Thursday, September 20, 2012

Body by Vi Review

In this Visalus Sciences review we’ll look at a few basics of Visalus Sciences. To be a standard distributor with Visalus Sciences costs a minimum of $49/month(also a $99,$199, and a $299 plan). To participate in their full benefits and rewards belonging to the Visalus Sciences compensation plan, you’ll need to choose the Executive Success System at $499. There’s even a $999 bundle that provides you the $499 bundle, as well as including the sample of 30 packages which you’ll provide to prospective customers.
Additionally you receive a one month membership to the VI-NET pro marketing system in an effort to give you support in the company. Following the thirty days, it will cost $24/month. You can make money in various methods which includes: earnings up-front, advance bonuses and recurring income. The higher that your level is, the more lucrative the compensation plan will become.
All packages accompany the Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake Mix, a Chocolate Health Flavor Mix-In (add this to the shake to benefit your heart) and you’ll also get access to an online health membership where you could go to get recipes, menu plans, workout videos, progress trackers, and if you’re feeling the need to cheat on your diet, you can check out the community support. ViSalus Sciences is expanding rapidly now due to the 90 Day Challenge, which I believe that it might eventually slow down, and saturate but only time will tell.

ViSalus Sciences: The 90 Day Challenge

visalus body by vi products visalus body by vi people and culture visalus body by vi opportunity body by vi challenge compared to other diet plans visalus 90 day body by vi challenge  ViSalus Sciences ReviewThe 90 day challenge could be the main reason Visalus Sciences is expanding so quickly. The Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge is a challenge that motivates people to produce a transformation within 3 months. You will find three individual programs that you could select from depending on your objectives and quickly you intend to achieve your desired goals.

Located in Troy, Michigan, ViSalus Sciences creates a positive effect upon a person’s life, health, and financial well being. The organization’s Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge brings together leading health products along with assistance to help individuals attain their health and fitness goals, while saving money at the same time. Not to mention being able to win from millions in prizes on a yearly basis, being a part of what is perhaps one of the most well respected weight loss and fitness challenge program in North America.

ViSalus Sciences: Is The Company Legit?

There’s a lot of talk based upon pyramid schemes and whether or not multilevel companies like ViSalus Sciences are legal. If an individual wants to get technical, even your 9-5 jobs are built into a structure of a pyramid scheme. The top level person making the most money, getting a much bigger bang for the work that they put in, while it branches down to the lower level employees who work much harder for a small pay.
The difference being that those who work 9-5 have a much smaller chance of moving up than someone in a multilevel company such as ViSalus Sciences… however, this depends entirely upon the person and how hard they are willing to work in a multilevel company.
As long as the multilevel companies such as ViSalus Sciences are selling a product or service, they are by law a legal company, assuming that they are being honest in what they have to offer and in who they say they are. This also includes the fact that a company can NOT make any income claims because any level of income is determined by the individual. Some people expect money for nothing, while others are realistic in working hard for it. ViSalus Sciences, on the other hand, is a legit company, and if the products or services that they have to offer attracts you, then by all means go for it.
Every company, including ViSalus Sciences, will have people making complaints, but many times those complaints come from people who have unrealistic expectations, or who were unwilling to work hard.

ViSalus Sciences Compensation Plan

Sure, There Is A Compensation Plan, But Can You Realistically Make Money With ViSalus Sciences?
Most multilevel companies similar ViSalus Sciences provide a replicated website. Most of them provide a basic guide on how to market, but not very many of them provide detailed instructions on how to go about marketing. Another difficulty that people might have is that they feel left alone to themselves without the needed guide or support on what to do specifically. Is this a problem for you? Is it something that you may have faced with other companies?
Yes, you CAN make money with ViSalus Sciences and most other multilevel companies. If a company has a good product or service and is well respected enough, then you can succeed, however, the marketing aspect of this is where most people fail.
I have been fortunate enough to become a team that sets up a detailed platform as to what each person needs to do. It does not matter what company a person is with. It is a system set in place for people from all walks of life to use in order to promote your company, whatever product or service they might have. Even if you own a brick and mortar business, this can work for you, too.

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Body by Vi: SAFE for Pregnant and Nursing Moms

The shake is fine for pregnant and lactating women to get added nutrition. We don’t recommend that they try to lose weight though, as the baby needs the calories. This is why we don’t recommend Vi-Trim or Vi-Slim, as babies don’t need hunger control or metabolism support. Neuro is low caffeine, but it depends on if the woman wants that or not.

Vi-Pak – Omega Vitals and Multi Vitamins are fine but for the Anti-aging and Super Charged Antioxidant they should talk to their individual doctors (see below). Nutra-Cookie is fine for them to consume too.


Our soy has been specially processed to remove the isoflavones that can impact estrogen, so it is not a problem for those who worry about fibroids, on chemo, etc. Here is some information on soy:

Of the concerns over soy, there are a few common ones. First, is referring to raw soybeans, that can contain a form of phytic acid that can block certain minerals’ absorption. However, that is based on massive consumption quantities, and of the raw soybean and only occurs in those animals that lack the digestive enzyme phytase. It is only an issue for people who consume those foods to get minerals in their diet, and in massive quantities. The issue is in developing countries, and may have a genetic basis as well because they are lacking the digestive enzyme (which can be supplemented and therefore alleviate the concern). It is not an issue for our products because of how we process the ingredients.

The second common concern with soy are due to some of the components of soy, particularly the isoflavones genistein and dadzein which can affect and inhibit thyroid peroxidase which is necessary for the production of T3 and T4. Thus there is some evidence that it could lead to thryoid enlargement (Goiter) . Our soy has been processed to remove the isoflavones, so this is not an issue.

A third common concern about soy is the effect it may have on estrogen levels in the body. This is again due to the isoflavones, which we have had removed. So this is a non-worry. We should note that many menopausal women do supplement with isoflavones, as it has been shown to help them experience fewer side effects of menopause.

Lastly, our Soy is not genetically modified (it is non-GMO). Many people worry about genetically modified soy, and if any of the ingredients got altered in the pollination process. We use the most natural form we can get, that has not been genetically modified.

Why use soy? It is a complete protein, easily digested, has no fat, low carb and more important, adequate consumption of soy can help the body lower cholesterol as well as c-reactive protein.


The U.S. Government did 2 studies (23,000 people) over a 2 year period of time to see how well Americans are at getting nutrition and eating healthy. Sadly, only 10% of Americans eat a healthy diet. They found 93% are deficient in vitamin E, 44% deficient in Vitamin A, and 1/3 in Vitamin C..just to name a few. The reason is it is hard to get enough nutrients from our food, especially given the American Diet today. The average American consumes 156 pounds of sugar each year, but only 28 pounds of lettuce, and much of our diet is high fat, sodium and processed.

The reason our Vitamins are unique is that they are chelated to make them more absorbable (this is expensive, so most companies do not do this). Then we have added nutrients that others don’t include like green tea extract, alpha lipoic acid, and glutathione and glutathione precursors…powerful anti-aging ingredients. Our fish oil is distilled at the molecular level to remove toxins, and we add evening primrose, pumpkinseed and flaxseed to make a very robust 12:1 ratio of Omega 3:6. Meaning…you get high quality nutrients. This is one reason Dr. Seidman was awarded a patent, and has clinicals showing that the Vi-Pak helps reverse age-related hearing loss by 7-12 decibels. I like to say if it can do that for my of what else it can help with. We have many of Dr. Seidman’s studies on our website:

For the Vi-Pak, the omegas and multi are great for pregnant or lactating women. Some doctors do not want women taking the antioxidant if pregnant so it varies by doctor. The anti-aging tablet we also recommend they talk to their doctor about first as every pregnancy is different.

Dr. Seidman on Supplementing:

The pros and cons of supplementing with vitamins, minerals and similar substances are no less confusing. In spite of thousands of studies examining the effects of various supplements, experts still disagree. As a practicing physician and scientist, I believe I have a responsibility to present what I feel is a strong case for supplementation.

It is clear that proper nutrition is essential for optimum health. We need to eat from the basic food groups, and consume significant amounts of fruits and vegetables as part of a sensible diet. Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet, with its emphasis on processed and prepared foods and large amounts of fat, salt and refined ingredients, does not come close to meeting these standards. The majority of Americans are clearly not going to obtain adequate nutrition from this diet.

To complicate matters, more than 60 percent of Americans are now considered overweight or obese, and roughly the same proportion of the population is sedentary. Stress, another major health factor, takes a toll on nutritional status, as does aging. Additionally, while working for the CDC (reviewing grants), there was compelling data to support that 1/3 of the WORLD population has a micronutrient deficiency.

While genetics certainly play a role in health, we do not have the option of changing our genes, at present. Meanwhile, many of the health issues we face are social and lifestyle choices. The end result can be seen in these statistics: Cancer – the second most common cause of death in the United States – claims more than 550,000 lives each year. Yet two-thirds of these cancer deaths are considered preventable through lifestyle changes – quitting smoking and all tobacco use, consuming 5 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, reducing intake of meat, fatty foods and dairy products, exercising moderately and supplementing appropriately.

Here again, we have controversy over how to define “supplementing appropriately.” I think it’s important to remember that the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) – now known as the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) – were established in 1941 to meet the needs of most healthy people. While these recommendations are updated every ten years, they are neither minimal requirements nor optimal levels. In fact, they are simply educated guesses. Meanwhile, there is compelling science to suggest that many of the nutrients found in routine supplements could be taken at much higher doses with an excellent safety profile and significant health benefits.

Is it possible to get sufficient quantities of nutrients from a healthy diet? To answer that question, let’s use vitamin E as an example. Oregon State University’s Moret Traber dispels this notion when she states: “To obtain enough vitamin E from food to attain a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease, you’d need to consume 9 tablespoons of olive oil, 75 slices of whole wheat bread, 40 almonds or 200 peanuts each and every day.”

Since it appears to be difficult – at best — to get a beneficial amount of vitamin E from food, what should the supplement dosage be? There have been numerous studies to show that an increased intake of antioxidants, such as vitamin E, reduces heart disease and the risk of stroke, Alzheimer’s and cancer. Vitamin E has also been shown to increase immune function and reduce exercise-related free radical damage. When it comes to precise dosage, however, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The DRI recommends 30 IU, a figure considered too low by many health experts. Indeed, some clinical trials suggest 800 to 1,200 IU may be required to affect cardiovascular health, particularly in patients who already have the disease.

Then how do we explain conflicting findings? For example, a meta-analysis by researchers at Johns Hopkins, which reviewed 19 previously published articles involving 135,967 patients, suggests that consuming more than 400 IU of vitamin E per day may increase the risk of dying by 6 percent (Miller et al Jan 4, 2005 Ann of IM vol 142 No1). While the media pounced on the ‘bad news’ aspect of the story, the truth is the research had shortcomings. First, it consisted largely of older individuals who were already suffering chronic illness of one sort or another, including heart disease, hypertension, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, kidney disease requiring dialysis, as well as a group of smokers. It’s difficult to imagine that vitamin E alone could improve the health of these individuals. Second, the supplements used were synthetic, and there are studies to show that the natural forms are possibly more effective. Third, from a statistician’s viewpoint, mixing such a wide assortment of studies together can produce meaningless results. Finally, they eliminated 12 trials that had fewer than 10 deaths! This introduces a very serious selection bias against the benefit of vitamin E. Essentially they randomly eliminated 12 studies where the death rate was very low, you may call this science, but this is how science gets a bad name. Basically, manipulating the data to support their bias. As an aside, for our protection and safety, Visalus Sciences uses only mixed tocopherols, so it is an all-natural group of tocopherols, not just the d-alpha tocopherol, but the gammas, deltas, tocotrienols etc. There has been some science to suggest that it is much better to use mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols, which is precisely what we do at Visalus Sciences.

Note, too, that the Johns Hopkins researchers themselves pointed out that most of the patients in these trials had chronic illness and were over the age of 60. As a result, the authors observed that the study’s findings may not necessarily apply to younger, healthy individuals.

In fact, in some ways, this study’s conclusion is similar to earlier research that encouraged people to abandon butter in favor of margarine. Needless to say, that opinion was reversed when it was determined that the trans fats in margarine were far more toxic to us than butter.

Of course, not all studies are inconclusive. For example, the excellent work by Rimm et al, in 1998, looked at more than 80,000 women who supplemented with folate and vitamin B6. Researchers found a significant reduction in the risk of heart disease. They also found that combining these supplements with one drink per day reduced the risk even more. Further, they determined that low intake of folate and B6 led to high levels of homocysteine, which increased heart disease. This specific study was responsible for changing the RDAs of folic acid from 50 micrograms per day to the current 400 micrograms per day. We are now finding that despite appropriate diets 1/3 of the planet has a micronutrient deficiency, the most common now are Vitamin D, the B vitamins and others.

Studies like (the Rimm Study) cost millions of dollars and take many years to complete,and are to be encouraged. But in the meantime, there is compelling evidence in smaller clinical trials that is relevant, reasonable and should cause us to change the way we think about diet and nutritional supplementation. For example, my colleagues and I have conducted studies with a number of antioxidants, including phosphatidylcholine (PPC), resveratrol, acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR), and alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), among others. Our findings: these supplements provided protection against free-radical damage throughout the body. In other words, supplements minimized – and sometimes even reversed – cellular assaults linked to deterioration of health and the aging process.

A final thought: Over the last 12 years, the average annualized mortality rates secondary to vitamins have been attributed to be one death per year, and herbs at three deaths per year. On the other hand, 400,000 deaths per year are attributed to smoking, and another 300,000 to poor diet. It should also be noted that pharmaceutical errors cause approximately 100,000 deaths per year. The bottom line is that there is an extremely remote likelihood that one would be hurt by taking nutritional supplements, and there is certainly compelling scientific data to support their use.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Get Started on your Weight Loss

How many times have you started to do something and then put it off?  Only realizing later on that if you would have done it to begin with you would have come out a whole lot better?  Well, why put off your health?  Why WAIT? You aren't getting any younger and weight loss is getting tougher and tougher with every day that passes... Not to mention actually getting toned.  Our bodies need proper nutrition to do this, and lets face it... In today's society, its not easy or always very affordable to eat really healthy.  UNTIL NOW! The Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge and Vi Shakes is the best way to try to Lose Weight, Maintain your Weight or Tone Up.  Its the best because its the most affordable, its the healthiest and it taste SO GOOD.  There is nothing better.  One of my favorite quotes of all time, "You can not CHANGE yourself, until you CHALLENGE yourself".If you want to change, then you have to step up to the challenge.  Everyone has the ability, but not everyone has the "want to" to do it.  With the Body by Vi Shakes it makes it MUCH EASIER to want to lose weight and stay at it.  Most of all the other protein shakes and weight loss products you take taste awful and you dread taking them, not with Body by Vi.  The tag line is "The Shake Mix that Taste like Cake Mix", and that is SO true.  When you open the bag of protein powder, it smells just like cake batter.  When you mix it with 8oz of milk (skim, soy or almond) it taste like Homemade Vanilla IceCream, which is REALLY good.  But you can also mix just about anything with the mix to change the taste whenever you like.  So you aren't stuck with drinking the same tasting shake over and over again, you can change it up every day if you like.  I lost 50lbs and 9 inches off my waist. The proof is in the results... And thousands of people have enjoyed the results from Body by Vi. Check it out today, quit putting your health on hold and get started on your challenge today!

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SNICKERS Vi Shake Recipe

Here is another great recipe that you can make with the Body by Vi Shake Mix. It taste just like a Snickers Candy Bar but without all the sugar and fat. Its hard for me to believe that there is anything else on the market that will help you lose weight and taste this good. Give it a try. Order your Body by Vi Challenge Kit today and get started... Enjoy losing weight and getting in shape!
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Weight Loss Never Tasted So Good

     $99 Could seriously change your appearance, it could change how you feel about yourself and it could change your OVERALL health.  In a month's time, think about all the money you waste on food that is terrible for you, not to mention what it does to your body.  Instead, you could save money and have something every day that is full of proper nutrition.  The Vi Shake will help you feel better, feel more energized and jump start your metabolism.  So the shakes are not only nutritous and affortable and healthy, they also taste AMAZING.  You can mix anything you want with your shake mix to change up the taste however you like.  You like strawberries? Then throw in some fresh strawberries along with some milk and the shake mix, blend it up and you are ready to enjoy.  These shakes are so easy and so quick, they are perfect for EVERYONE... Especially us folks that live on the go.  Give Body by Vi a look... It could just be the thing that actually works for you.  It seems to be working for tons of others, why not you?
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Monday, September 17, 2012

Make Money While Losing Weight Fast

I'm getting paid money to help others and myself Lose Weight! Some are losing weight fast and others are steady at it... But everyone is excited about the progress they are making towards their health goals. And I'm making money while I help them achieve and exceed their goals. You can do the same by Promoting the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge. You dont have to handle merchandise or worry with delivering products... All you have to do is spread the word about what tons of people are already doing. Join in today!
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Body by Vi vs Advocare

Have you wondered how Body by Vi compares to Advocare?  Well, here you go!  Although, it looks to me that it really doesn't compare at all.  The differences in calories, sugar, and carbs is crazy! Start your Body by Vi Challenge Today and lose weight quickly!
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ButterFinger Vi Shake

This is just one of 100's of awesome recipes you can try with the Body by Vi Shake Mix.  Thats what makes this product SO good... You can change it everytime you drink one.  Never again will you have to choke down a product and dread drinking it. 
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How Can I Lose Weight

Have you found yourself asking this exact question? How can I lose weight? Or how can I lose weight FAST? Or even, how can I keep my weight off? Well, Body by Vi has it figured out. The Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge and Products is the best way to lose weight; it's the easiest, the healthiest, and the most affordable way to lose weight. For less than $2, you can get the same nutrition you would get if you ate tons of vegetables and fruis and lean meats throughout the day... You get it all in a shake that taste like CAKE MIX! It taste incredible and is full of vitamins and minerals most of us miss out on throughout the day. Click below to check it out... Start your Challenge TODAY!
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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Before and After

Are you ready to have a "Before and After" Pic?  You can get started on yours today! The Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge is the way to do it.  Get started! Nothing is easier! Nothing is healthier! And Nothing is More Affordable! Check it out!

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Make $$$ Helping Others and Yourself Become Healthier

Would you like to just make a little extra money to have to play with or enough to quit your job you dread going to?  Promoting the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge and the Body by Vi Products can help you, not only lose weight and tone up, but it can also help you earn an extra income.  This is such an easy way to make extra money.  You don't have to handle products EVER and you don't have to beg people to buy products.  When you Promote the Challenge, you will be helping others meet or exceed their Health Goals... And that is always nice to be a part of.  Its even better when you get to make an extra income while helping others and yourself become healthier.  Check it out and start Promoting the Challenge TODAY! 
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3 for FREE

How would you like to LOSE WEIGHT for FREE? Well, Body by Vi has set up a way to do just that. Once you sign up for the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge, you will be given your own website.  This website can be used to connect with others that are in the same challenge.  It can be used to monitor your orders.  But the best part about your website is that it can help you earn FREE products.  All you have to do is tell others about what you are doing... Something that you would do anyways.  You don't have to sell a product, you just simply share what you are doing and tell them to check it out at your website.  When you have 3 or more sign up for the 90 Day Challenge and order a Challenge Kit, you will receive your next month's shipment and every shipment after that, if you keep 3 or more people enrolled, for FREE.  Get started on your Challenge today.  And be amazed at what you have done after 90 days! And do it for FREE!

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This is for EVERYONE!

The Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge is for EVERYONE! Here are just a few celebrities that have joined the #1 Health Platform in America.  It's not just for celebrities or people that are already in shape.  This program is not just for people that need to lose a ton of weight... Its for EVERYONE!  Whatever your health goals are: Losing Weight, Maintaining Your Weight or Toning Up... It can be done with the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge and with the help of the Vi Shake.  Give it a look, it could be what helps motivate you to get started towards changing your health today!
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Shake Recipes

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Order Yours Today
Why is the Body by Vi Shake the best on the market?  IT TASTE GREAT! You can put just about anything in your SHAKE and make it taste however you like.  Why take something you dread to drink? You don't have to do that with the Vi Shake! Here are a few of the MANY recipes out there to ensure you always ENJOY your Vi Shake.

Any kind of Milk can be used in these shakes.
After Glow Smoothie: 4 oz. (1/2 cup) pomegranate juice, 4 oz. (1/2 cup orange juice), 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen pineapple & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
All Berry Delight: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape Vishake mix, 1/4 cup frozen raspberries, 1/4 cup frozen blackberries, 1/4 cup frozen strawberries, ¼ cup frozen dark cherries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Almond Joy: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 tsp coconut extract, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder) & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Amaretto: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape Vi-Shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Ambrosia: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ tsp. coconut extract, ¼ cup pear slices, ¼ apple slices, ¼ cup frozen strawberries, ¼ cup frozen pineapple chunks, 1 peach flavor packet & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Angel Food Cake: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape Body By Vi Shake mix, ½ tsp. coconut extract, ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Apple Cider Smoothie: 6 oz. unsweetened apple juice (or cider), 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 orange flavor packet, 2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Apple Mango Freeze: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 3 Tbsp. unsweetened apple sauce, 1 cup frozen mango chunks & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Apple Pie: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape bodybyvi shake mix, 3 Tbsp. unsweetened apple sauce, 2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Banana Coconut Breeze: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 small frozen banana, 1 banana flavor packet, ½ tsp. coconut extract, & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Banana Kiwi Cooler: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 small frozen banana, 1 banana flavor packet, ½ cup fresh kiwi slices (peeled), & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Banana Cream: 8 oz. water, ¾ cup vanilla low fat yogurt, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 small banana (6” inches), 1 tsp. vanilla extract, & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Banana Nut Bread: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. butter extract flavoring, 1 banana flavor packet, 1 tsp. cinnamon, ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Banana Spice: 8 oz. Silk Light Vanilla Soy Milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape body by vi shake mix, 1 small frozen banana (6” inches), 2 Tbsp. ground flax seeds, pinch of cinnamon, pinch of nutmeg & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Banana Split: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 small banana (6” inches), 1 Chocolate flavor packet, 1 Tbsp. reduced fat peanut butter, & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Berry Blast: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen blackberries, ½ cup frozen strawberries & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Berry Peachy: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape bodybyvi shake mix, ½ cup frozen peach slices, ½ cup frozen strawberries, 1 peach flavor packet & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Berries & Cream: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen raspberries, ½ cup frozen strawberries, 1 strawberry flavor packet, ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Birthday Cake: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet, ½ tsp. butter flavoring (or butter buds), ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Blackberry Apple Slush: 6 oz. unsweetened apple juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape vi-shake mix, 30 frozen blackberries & 7 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Blackberry Freeze: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen blackberries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Blackberry Pie: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blackberries, 1 Tbsp. Graham Cracker Crumbs, 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Black Raspberry Vanilla Cooler: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 15 frozen blackberries, 15 frozen raspberries, 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Blended Coffee: 8 oz. (1 cup) coffee-instant, regular, prepared with water, 1 ½ cup skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Blueberry Blaster: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen blueberries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Blueberry Cheesecake: 6 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape vishake mix, 20 frozen blueberries, 1 tsp. graham cracker crumbs, 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Blueberry Lemon Freeze: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1 Tbsp. sugar-free instant lemon pudding mix, & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Blueberry Mango Smoothie: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, ½ cup frozen mango chunks, & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Blueberry Peach Cobbler: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 15 frozen blueberries, 1 cup frozen peach slices, 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Blueberry Pie: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 2 Tbsp. Graham Cracker Crumbs, 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Blueberry Pomegranate: 6 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, ½ cup pomegranate juice & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Blueberry Vanilla Pear: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen blueberries, ½ pear (chopped) & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Blue Banana: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 15 frozen blueberries, 1 banana flavor packet (or 1/2 frozen banana), & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Butterfinger: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 Tbsp. sugar free butterscotch pudding mix, 1 Tbsp. reduced-fat peanut butter & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Butterscotch Mousse: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 Tbsp. sugar free butterscotch pudding mix & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Café Latte: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. dry instant coffee powder & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Candy Cane: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen strawberries, ½ tsp. peppermint extract, 1 strawberry flavor pack & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Caramello: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 tsp. sugar free caramel flavoring & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Cherry Almond Chill: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Cherry Banana Breeze: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries, 1 banana flavor packet & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Cherry Cheesecake: 6 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark unsweetened cherries, 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese, 2 dashes ground cinnamon & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Cherry Lemonade: 6 oz. crystal light lemonade, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Cherry Orange Delight: 4 oz. orange juice, 4 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Cherry Pineapple Slush: 6 oz. water, 2 oz. pineapple juice drained from can, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 cup pineapple, ½ cup frozen cherries & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Cherry Limeade: 8 oz. vanilla soy milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. frozen limeade concentrate, 4 maraschino cherries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Cherry Pineapple Chill: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 cup frozen dark sweet cherries, ½ cup frozen pineapple chunks, & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Cherry Spice: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries, 2 tsp. cinnamon & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Chocolate Almond Delight: 12 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 15 raw almonds, ½ tsp. coconut extract, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Chocolate Cheesecake: 6 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Chocolate Covered Cherries: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 10 frozen dark sweet cherries, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Chocolate Covered Strawberries: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 frozen strawberries, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. reduced fat peanut butter, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Chocolate Peppermint: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 tsp. peppermint extract, 2 chocolate flavor packets (or 2 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender. For a hot chocolate treat, heat in microwave.
Chocolate Razzleberry: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/3 cup frozen raspberries, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Cinnaberry: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 frozen strawberries, 1 strawberry flavor packet, 3 tsp. cinnamon & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Cinnamon Almond Cream: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 3 tsp. cinnamon & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Cinnamon Bun: 8 oz. vanilla soy milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 Tbsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract, 1 tsp. butter buds (or butter flavoring) & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Citrus Berry: 4 oz. Almond milk, 4 oz. orange juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, ½ cup frozen strawberries, 1 tsp. lemon juice & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Citrus Spice: 6 oz. orange juice, 2 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. lemon juice , 3 tsp. cinnamon & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Citrus Splash: 6 oz. sprite zero or diet sprite, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 orange flavor packet, 1/2 Tbsp. lemon juice, ½ Tbsp. lime juice, & 7 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Citrus Delight: 4 oz. water, 2 oz. orange juice, 2 oz. grapefruit juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 orange flavor packet, 1 tsp. lemon juice & 7 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Coco Mango: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 6 chunks frozen mango (1 cup), ½ tsp. coconut extract & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Coconut Lime Spritzer: 6 oz. sprite zero or diet sprite, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 Tbsp. lime juice, ½ tsp. coconut extract & 7 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Cranberry Crush: 8 oz. (1 cup) cranberry juice (no sugar added), 2 scoops shake mix, 4 frozen strawberries, 2 Tbsp. plain nonfat yogurt & 6 ice cubes.
Cranberry Citrus Splash: 4 oz. (1/2 cup) cranberry juice (no sugar added), 4 oz. orange juice (1/2 cup), 2 scoops shake mix, 1 orange flavor packet, 2 Tbsp. plain nonfat yogurt & 6 ice cubes.
Cran-Blueberry: 4 oz. (1/2 cup) cranberry juice (no sugar added), 4 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries & 5 ice cubes.
Dreamsicle: 8 oz. Vanilla Almond milk, 2 scoops shake mix, 1 Tbsp. orange juice concentrate or 3 Tbsp. orange juice, & 6 ice cubes.
Frozen Banana: 8 oz. Vanilla Almond milk, 2 scoops shake mix, 1 small frozen banana, 1 chocolate flavor packet & 6 ice cubes.
Fruit Bar: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, 1 cup frozen raspberries, ½ tsp. coconut extract & 5 ice cubes.
Fruit Loop: 8 oz. water, 4 scoops shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, 1 orange flavor packet & 5 ice cubes.
Fruit Smoothie: 4 oz. water, 2 scoops shake mix, ½ small banana 6”, 6 frozen strawberries, ½ cup frozen pineapple & 5 ice cubes.
Fuzzy Navel: 4 oz. skim milk, 4 oz. reduced calorie orange juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup peach slices (frozen or canned) & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
German Chocolate Cake: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet, 1 tsp. coconut extract, & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Hawaiian Apple: 2 oz. unsweetened apple juice, 4 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup unsweetened apple juice, 1/2 tsp. coconut extract & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Holiday Shake: 4 oz. skim milk, 4 oz. egg nog, ½ tsp. rum extract (optional), 1/8 tsp. cinnamon, 1/8 tsp. nutmeg, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Honeydew Melon Dream: 4 oz. water, ¼ cup non-fat vanilla yogurt, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup (5 large chunks) honeydew melon & 4 ice cubes. Blend ice & water in blender first, then add shake mix & honeydew melon & blend.
Key Lime Pie: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 3 tsp. limeade concentrate, 3 tsp. graham cracker crumbs, & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Kiwi Melon Freeze: 4 oz. water, ¼ cup non-fat vanilla yogurt, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 cup (3 large chunks) honeydew melon, 1 kiwi (peeled & cut-up) & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Lemon Fizz: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen raspberries, 1 Neuro lemon packet & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Lemon Mango: 4 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen mango, 1 6 oz. fat free lemon yogurt, & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Lemon Meringue: 8 oz. skim milk, ¼ cup Simply Natural limeade, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. sugar free lemon pudding mix & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Limeade: 8 oz. vanilla soy milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. frozen limeade concentrate & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Mango Peach: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 6 chunks frozen mango, 3 slices frozen peaches, 1 peach flavor packet (or 3 additional frozen peaches), & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Monkey Shake: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 small banana (6” inches), 1 Chocolate flavor packet, & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Neapolitan: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), 1 strawberry flavor packet (or 4 frozen strawberries), 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Orange Pomegranate: 8 oz. orange juice, 4 oz. pomegranate juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Papaya Mango Chiller: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 slices papaya, 1 cup frozen mango & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Peach Cooler: 8 oz. Diet 7-up, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup peach slices (frozen), 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Peach Melon Slush: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 4 large chunks frozen watermelon, 1 peach flavor packet & 8 ice cubes. Blend ice & water in blender first, then add shake mix & watermelon & blend.
Peach Dream: 8 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ¾ cup low fat vanilla yogurt, 1 cup peach slices (frozen or canned), 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Peach Raspberry Blast: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen raspberries, 1 peach flavor packet & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Peanut Butter & Jelly: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. reduced fat peanut butter, 1 Tbsp. sugar free preserves/jelly & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Pear Berry Blizzard: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup sliced pears, 1 strawberry flavor packet & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Pear Glace Cooler: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup sliced pears, 3 chunks frozen watermelon, 1 peach flavor packet & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Pina Colada: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 large chunks frozen pineapple, 1/2 tsp. coconut extract, & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Pineapple Crush: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 6 chunks frozen pineapple (1/2 cup) & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Pineapple Mango Tango: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen pineapple, ½ cup frozen mango chunks & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Pineapple Upside Down Cake: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ tsp. butter flavoring (or butter buds), ½ tsp. vanilla extract, ½ cup frozen pineapple, ¼ cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Plum Cooler: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 plum (pitted), juice of 1 lemon & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Pumpkin Spice: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/3 cup canned pumpkin (without salt), 1/8 tsp. vanilla extract, 1/8 tsp. cinnamon, 1/8 tsp. nutmeg & 2 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Purple Cow: 8 oz. Almond milk, 1 Tbsp. frozen grape juice concentrate, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 banana flavor packet (or 1/2 banana) & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Raspberry Freeze: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen raspberries & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Raspberry Fizz: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen raspberries, 1 Neuro raspberry flavor packet & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Raspberry Mint Chocolate: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen raspberries, ½ tsp. peppermint extract, 1 chocolate flavor pack (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder) & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Red, White & Blue: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1 strawberry flavor packet. Blend well in blender.
Root Beer Float: 4 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix…mix together in blender first. Add ½ cup ice. Add ½ can diet mug root beer (to taste) and pulse a few time to mix in.
Sex on the Beach: 4 oz. cranberry juice (no sugar added), 4 oz. reduced calorie orange juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup pineapple (frozen or canned) & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Snickerdoodle: 8 oz. light vanilla soy milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 Tbsp. Honey & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Spiced Cranberry: 8 oz. cranberry juice (no sugar added), 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. cinnamon & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Spiced Peaches: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 peach flavor packet, ½ cup frozen peaches, 1 tsp. cinnamon & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Silky Latte: 4 oz. mocha soy milk (Silk Brand), 4 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Strawberry Almond: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, ½ cup frozen strawberries & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Strawberry Banana: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2/3 cup frozen strawberries, 1 banana flavor packet & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Strawberry Blast: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen strawberries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Strawberry Coco: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen strawberries (or 1 strawberry flavor packet), ½ tsp. coconut extract & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Strawberry Cheesecake: 6 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet (or 4 frozen strawberries), 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Strawberry Mango Dream: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen mango, ½ cup frozen strawberries & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Strawberry Melon Slush: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 large chunks frozen watermelon, 1 strawberry flavor packet. Blend well in blender.
Strawberry Pina Colada: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 4 large chunks frozen pineapple, 4 frozen strawberries, 1/2 tsp. coconut extract, & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Strawberry Shortcake: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, ½ tsp. butter flavoring (or butter buds), ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Summer Slim: 8 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ peach or 6 frozen peach slices, 6 fresh or frozen strawberries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Thai Coconut Chiller: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. lemon juice, ½ tsp. coconut extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Triple Chocolate Smash: 8 oz. Silk Light Chocolate Soy Milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), 1 Tbsp. fat-free sugar-free chocolate pudding mix & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Tropical Delight: 4 oz. Almond milk, ½ cup reduced calorie orange juice (or 1 Tbsp. orange juice concentrate), 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen mango chunks, ½ tsp. coconut extract & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Tropical Dream: 8 oz. Vanilla Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen pineapple, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder) & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Tropical Teaser: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, 1 cup sliced mango, ½ cup frozen pineapple & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Turtle Cheesecake: 6 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. sugar free caramel flavoring, 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese, 3 pecans & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Very Berry: 8 oz. sparkling water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 10 frozen raspberries, 6 frozen strawberries, & 2 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Watermelon Slush: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 large chunks fresh watermelon & 8 ice cubes. Blend ice & water in blender first, then add shake mix & watermelon & blend.
Wild Berry Blast:8 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 8 frozen raspberries, 4 frozen strawberries, 15 frozen blueberries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.
Creamy Vi-Chai: 8 oz skim milk, 1 scoop Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 TB Chai Mix (any kind). Heat milk on stove, pour into blender with the powder and blend for a few seconds. Pour into coffee mugs. I only used one scoop of Vi-Shape Shake Mix as this is just a nice warm morning drink.

The 90 Day Challenge

The Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge is the best way to LOSE WEIGHT, MAINTAIN YOUR WEIGHT or even TONE UP.  Challenge yourself for 90 Days and see what you can accomplish.  You can meet and exceed your Health Goals... You just have to start.  With the help of the Body by Vi Shake, you can get rid of those unwanted extra pounds or shape up the way you have always wanted.  Watch the video and look at the website... There is no better way than the Body by Vi Challenge. 
"You can't CHANGE yourself,
until you CHALLENGE yourself!"

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge is something that EVERYONE needs to try.  Do you need to lose weight? Or maintain your weight? Or tone up?  This is a great way to get it done.  The 90 Day Challenge ask you to change yourself by challenging yourself for 90 days.  Along with the the Challenge, the Body by Vi Shakes are a big help in meeting and exceeding your health goals.  They taste great and you can change the taste whenever and however you like.  You can mix just about anything you choose into it... So you ENJOY what you are drinking instead of dreading it.  Watch the Free Video and fill out the form on the website to receive more info.  Start your CHALLENGE TODAY!                     
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